Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Birthday, USA!

Fly our flag today if you are proud of our country--wherever you were born, whatever your primary language, no matter your religion or lack of same. Fly our flag today in memory of the men and women in uniform who have paid in blood for our privilege of freedom which is never given but earned and paid for in blood and treasure. Fly our flag today with pride for our cultural, historical, racial, religious, ideological and philosophical diversity that are the seminal ingredients of our greatest strength. Fly our flag in resistance to the forces of evil that seek to divide us for their own ends and turn our tolerance, compassion, and respect for law and order against us--whether these hide under the borrowed clothes of religion, political ideology, identity politics, civil rights, or other honorable causes or openly embrace chaos, evil, anarchy and hatred. Fly our flag as a personal commitment to follow the dictates of conscience rather than thoughtlessly marching in lock step behind the demagogue of the day, marching with those who at their core seek to destroy our nation and her values. Most of all, fly our flag today in gratitude and celebration of the privilege of living in a country made great not because of her natural resources, economic strength or military might, but because of the values of a people united in the belief that freedom is the birthright of every citizen, that no person is above the law, and that every law-abiding citizen is entitled to the opportunity to live the American dream. Fly our flag today not as a hyphenated-American, but as simply a proud American.

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