Thursday, April 12, 2018

My intellectual property books now available to libraries internationally

As of today, my Intellectual Property Law: A Practical Guide to Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks and Trade Secrets and Copyright Law: A Practical Guide are both available to libraries for the first time in eBook formats. The paperback versions of both books are also available for library adoption. Both books are intended as practical guides for the general public and are brief yet comprehensive in their coverage of their respective subject matter. You can preview these and most of my current books by visiting my Amazon Author's Page at

If your local library uses the popular Live-Brary system, these can be recommended directly by searching for my name (Victor D. Lopez) and clicking on "see all" titles if your library does not already have these in their collection. Regardless of the system used for print and eBook acquisitions, however, my books should be available as of today (my fiction and poetry was already available prior to today). 

I believe you will find both books to be among the lowest priced and most user-friendly introductions on what is not a particularly user-friendly subject matter. Please check them out. As always, I am grateful for your readership and support. 

eBook version available in multiple eBook formats

Paperback version

eBook (various formats) and paperback versions available

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