Friday, June 30, 2017

Venezuela Crisis: The tragic, predictable result of yet another Marxist-inspired "people's utopia"

This is always the tragic result of "people's revolutions". The Venezuelan people deserve better. Wishful thinking is not a philosophy. Planned economies do not work. And thugs will be thugs--when manipulating the Constitution to achieve their ends fails and people revolt, they throw away even the pretense of democracy and call for achieving by force what the people will no longer support at the ballot box. That is what Maduro is doing and what every Marxist dictator (by any other label) has always done. And the press in the West which largely shrugs off decades-long tragedies, begins reporting in earnest only when there is blood in the streets and children dying of hunger.
Venezuela is spiraling into civil war. Maduro like his predecessor is a tyrant, pure and simple, who is married to a corrupt, failed political philosophy that will never recognize its fatal flaw and always resorts to imposing privation, pain, famine and hopelessness on its people by force in the most pervasive, rabid form of fascism the world has ever known. When will the West treat Marxist-inspired atrocities like it (properly and rightfully) treats the Nazi scourge? Where are all the movies, reports, studies, documentaries, historical exposes and endless drum beat against this equally evil scourge that has enslaved, destroyed and tortured millions upon millions of people with no less zeal than the despicable Nazis? Evil is as evil does--from both the left and right of the political spectrum. It is completely inexplicable to any rational, thinking person why both the popular media and academia have such glaring blind spots for inconvenient truths.
I hate Nazis--I am, after all, not insane. But I have no great love for Marxists either for the very simple, obvious reason that they are the same animal marching to slightly different drumbeats, imposing their will with force and suppressing opposing points of view at any cost. You see it in the current dynamics in the U.S. political dialogue and the media's unwillingness to even attempt a neutral stance. You have second-rate comedians and first rate actors calling for the assassination of a president they hate simply because the hate him, and that is seen as funny to the intended audience. We have more than a handful of people marching on the streets yelling "What do we want, dead cops. When do we want it, NOW!" and "Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" and the media largely shrugs, except for right-wing commentators that actually cover these stories--often more than a tad too gleefully.
Since when is inciting violence Constitutionally protected free speech or wide-spread looting simply a form of political protest? Why are these people not arrested? Can you imagine a right-wing comedian or actor (few as these are) holding the bloody severed head of President Obama while beaming widely or saying that its been too long since an actor has assassinated a president and it may be time to do it again? Threatening the President is a federal crime that used to be investigated with perpetrators prosecuted. But not for an unpopular president I guess.
Venezuela has already stepped off the edge of the precipice. It breaks my heart. We are slowly marching towards the same precipice ourselves, though it is still far in the distance. Shrugging our shoulders will only encourage those beating the drum to become more aggressive at doing so until, like Venezuela, we run at a fevered pitch into the abyss.
From alleged power grabs to helicopter attacks, a lot can happen in a Venezuelan 24 hours.

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